I'm still receiving A LOT of help from friends, but I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work involved in my recovery. Managing medications alone takes up a lot of time. I'll soon start to attend counseling sessions to help me reconstruct events of the past many months. Thankfully Kim will be reading my medical records and translating them for me - I'm just not ready to do it myself.
At some point we may even post photos from the many hospital stays. I've seen similar photos on other websites, and it's been very helpful, making it more real for me. There's just so much that I don't remember at all. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I guess. Apparently there were times when it looked like I might not make it. Not sure I'm ready to think about that.
Again, thanks to everyone who has followed this crazy trip. I hope to thank you all personally when time allows.