Sunday, December 7, 2008

Version: thanks and praises


Laura was moved from the ICU this past Tuesday and it appears that the doctors are finally getting a handle on her drug "cocktail." Although she is still experiencing some mental confusion, last night she was responding to questions and more alert than in previous days.

Her new liver is working overtime to heal her body and the hope is that her mind will catch up in good time. For locals she is able to receive visitors if only for short periods. But mental stimulation is a good thing right now, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact either Kim or myself if you would like to stop by to see her.

Today our friends Mary & Adam will host a thanksgiving dinner for her close circle here in the Twin Cities. We have so much to be grateful understatement really.

Benefit plans are falling into place rapidly and I'll update very soon but tickets can be purchased at:

Keep spreading the word on behalf of Laura and thanks to everyone for your on-going interest and support.




Anonymous said...

Get well Laura Kennedy
We love you

Your fans from Brazil

Anonymous said...

Stay strong and get well soon Laura.

Mark in Cologne, Germany